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goreleaser release

Releases the current project

goreleaser release [flags]


      --auto-snapshot                Automatically sets --snapshot if the repository is dirty
      --clean                        Removes the 'dist' directory
  -f, --config string                Load configuration from file
      --draft                        Whether to set the release to draft. Overrides release.draft in the configuration file
      --fail-fast                    Whether to abort the release publishing on the first error
  -h, --help                         help for release
      --id stringArray               Builds only the specified build ids (implies --skip=publish) (Pro only)
  -k, --key string                   GoReleaser Pro license key [$GORELEASER_KEY] (Pro only)
      --nightly                      Generate a nightly build, publishing artifacts that support it (implies --skip=announce,validate; overrides --nightly) (Pro only)
  -p, --parallelism int              Amount tasks to run concurrently (default: number of CPUs)
      --prepare                      Will run the release in such way that it can be published and announced later with goreleaser publish and goreleaser announce (implies --skip=publish,announce,after) (Pro only)
      --release-footer string        Load custom release notes footer from a markdown file
      --release-footer-tmpl string   Load custom release notes footer from a templated markdown file (overrides --release-footer)
      --release-header string        Load custom release notes header from a markdown file
      --release-header-tmpl string   Load custom release notes header from a templated markdown file (overrides --release-header)
      --release-notes string         Load custom release notes from a markdown file (will skip GoReleaser changelog generation)
      --release-notes-tmpl string    Load custom release notes from a templated markdown file (overrides --release-notes)
      --single-target                Builds only for current GOOS and GOARCH, regardless of what's set in the configuration file (implies --skip=publish) (Pro only)
      --skip strings                 Skip the given options (valid options are: after, announce, archive, aur, before, before-publish, chocolatey, cloudsmith, dmg, docker, dockerhub, fury, homebrew, ko, msi, nfpm, nix, notarize, publish, report-sizes, sbom, scoop, sign, snapcraft, validate, winget)
      --snapshot                     Generate an unversioned snapshot release, skipping all validations and without publishing any artifacts (implies --skip=announce,publish,validate)
      --split                        Split the build so it can be merged and published later (implies --prepare) (Pro only)
      --timeout duration             Timeout to the entire release process (default 30m0s)

Options inherited from parent commands

      --verbose   Enable verbose mode

See also

  • goreleaser - Deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible