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You can customize how the changelog is generated using the changelog section in the config file:

# .goreleaser.yml
  # Set this to true if you don't want any changelog at all.
  # Warning: this will also ignore any changelog files passed via `--release-notes`,
  # and will render an empty changelog.
  # This may result in an empty release notes on GitHub/GitLab/Gitea.
  # Templates: allowed.
  disable: "{{ .Env.CREATE_CHANGELOG }}"

  # Changelog generation implementation to use.
  # Valid options are:
  # - `git`: uses `git log`;
  # - `github`: uses the compare GitHub API, appending the author username to the changelog.
  # - `gitlab`: uses the compare GitLab API, appending the author name and email to the changelog (requires a personal access token).
  # - `gitea`: uses the compare Gitea API, appending the author username to the changelog.
  # - `github-native`: uses the GitHub release notes generation API, disables the groups feature.
  # Default: 'git'.
  use: github

  # Format to use for commit formatting.
  # Only available when use is one of `github`, `gitea`, or `gitlab`.
  # Default: '{{ .SHA }}: {{ .Message }} ({{ with .AuthorUsername }}@{{ . }}{{ else }}{{ .AuthorName }} <{{ .AuthorEmail }}>{{ end }})'.
  # Extra template fields: `SHA`, `Message`, `AuthorName`, `AuthorEmail`, and
  # `AuthorUsername`.
  format: "{{.SHA}}: {{.Message}} (@{{.AuthorUsername}})"

  # Sorts the changelog by the commit's messages.
  # Could either be asc, desc or empty
  # Empty means 'no sorting', it'll use the output of `git log` as is.
  sort: asc

  # Max commit hash length to use in the changelog.
  # 0: use whatever the changelog implementation gives you
  # -1: remove the commit hash from the changelog
  # any other number: max length.
  abbrev: -1

  # Paths to filter the commits for.
  # Only works when `use: git`, otherwise ignored.
  # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
  # Default: monorepo.dir value, or empty if no monorepo.
    - foo/
    - bar/

  # Group commits messages by given regex and title.
  # Order value defines the order of the groups.
  # Providing no regex means all commits will be grouped under the default group.
  # Matches are performed against the first line of the commit message only,
  # prefixed with the commit SHA1, usually in the form of
  # `<abbrev-commit>[:] <title-commit>`.
  # Groups are disabled when using github-native, as it already groups things by itself.
  # Regex use RE2 syntax as defined here:
    - title: Features
      regexp: '^.*?feat(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
      order: 0
    - title: "Bug fixes"
      regexp: '^.*?bug(\([[:word:]]+\))??!?:.+$'
      order: 1
    - title: Others
      order: 999

      # A group can have subgroups.
      # If you use this, all the commits that match the parent group will also
      # be checked against its subgroups. If some of them matches, it'll be
      # grouped there, otherwise they'll remain not grouped.
      # The title is optional - you can think of groups as a way to order
      # commits within a group.
      # There can only be one level of subgroups, i.e.: a subgroup can't have
      # subgroups within it.
      # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
        - title: "Docs"
          regex: ".*docs.*"
          order: 1
        - title: "CI"
          regex: ".*build.*"
          order: 2

  # Divider to use between groups.
  # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
  divider: "---"

    # Commit messages matching the regexp listed here will be removed from
    # the changelog
    # Matches are performed against the first line of the commit message only,
    # prefixed with the commit SHA1, usually in the form of
    # `<abbrev-commit>[:] <title-commit>`.
      - "^docs:"
      - typo
      - (?i)foo

    # Commit messages matching the regexp listed here will be the only ones
    # added to the changelog
    # If include is not-empty, exclude will be ignored.
    # Matches are performed against the first line of the commit message only,
    # prefixed with the commit SHA1, usually in the form of
    # `<abbrev-commit>[:] <title-commit>`.
      - "^feat:"


Some things to keep an eye on:

  • The github-native changelog does not support sort and filter.
  • When releasing a nightly, use will fallback to git.
  • The github changelog will only work if both tags exist in GitHub.