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Chocolatey Packages

GoReleaser can also generate nupkg packages. Chocolatey are packages based on nupkg format, that will let you publish your project directly to the Chocolatey Repository. From there it will be able to install locally or in Windows distributions.

You can read more about it in the chocolatey docs.

Available options:

# .goreleaser.yaml
  - # Your app's package name.
    # The value may not contain spaces or character that are not valid for a URL.
    # If you want a good separator for words, use '-', not  '.'.
    # Default: the project name.
    name: foo

    # IDs of the archives to use.
    # Empty means all IDs.
    # Attention: archives must not be in the 'binary' format.
      - foo
      - bar

    # Your chocolatey package's source URL.
    # It point at the location of where someone can find the packaging files for the package.

    # Your app's owner.
    # It basically means you.
    owners: Drum Roll Inc

    # The app's title.
    # A human-friendly title of the package.
    # Default: the project name.
    title: Foo Bar

    # Your app's authors (probably you).
    authors: Drummer

    # Your app's project url.
    # It is a required field.

    # Which format to use.
    # Valid options are:
    # - 'msi':     msi installers (requires the MSI pipe configured, Pro only)
    # - 'archive': archives (only if format is zip),
    # Default: 'archive'.
    # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
    use: msi

    # URL which is determined by the given Token (github,
    # gitlab or gitea).
    # Default: depends on the git remote.
    # Templates: allowed.
    url_template: "{{ .Tag }}/{{ .ArtifactName }}"

    # App's icon.
    icon_url: ""

    # Your app's copyright details.
    # Templates: allowed.
    copyright: 2022 Drummer Roll Inc

    # App's license information url.

    # Your apps's require license acceptance:
    # Specify whether the client must prompt the consumer to accept the package
    # license before installing.
    require_license_acceptance: false

    # Your app's source url.

    # Your app's documentation url.

    # App's bugtracker url.

    # Your app's tag list.
    tags: "foo bar baz"

    # Your app's summary:
    summary: Software to create fast and easy drum rolls.

    # This the description of your chocolatey package.
    # Supports markdown.
    description: |
      {{ .ProjectName }} installer package.
      Software to create fast and easy drum rolls.

    # Your app's release notes.
    # A description of the changes made in this release of the package.
    # Supports markdown. To prevent the need to continually update this field,
    # providing a URL to an external list of Release Notes is perfectly
    # acceptable.
    release_notes: "{{ .Version }}"

    # App's dependencies
    # The version is not required.
      - id: nfpm
        version: 2.20.0

    # The api key that should be used to push to the chocolatey repository.
    # WARNING: do not expose your api key in the configuration file!
    api_key: "{{ .Env.CHOCOLATEY_API_KEY }}"

    # The source repository that will push the package to.
    source_repo: ""

    # Setting this will prevent goreleaser to actually try to push the package
    # to chocolatey repository, leaving the responsibility of publishing it to
    # the user.
    skip_publish: false

    # GOAMD64 to specify which amd64 version to use if there are multiple
    # versions from the build section.
    # Default: 'v1'.
    goamd64: v1


Discover more about the name template engine.


GoReleaser will not install chocolatey/choco nor any of its dependencies for you.