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This will be available in the next release (v2.8). Stay tuned!

This feature is currently in alpha. Feedback is greatly appreciated!

GoReleaser Pro

One or more features are exclusively available with GoReleaser Pro.

The npm section configures how GoReleaser publishes your packages to NPM registries.

How it works

You can declare multiple NPM instances. All binaries generated by your builds section will be available for use in your NPM packages.

For each NPM configuration, GoReleaser will:

  1. Generate a package.json file and other required scripts based on your configuration;
  2. When the user npm i -g or npx your package, a postinstall script will download the archive, and extract/copy the binaries into the ./bin folder;
  3. Publish the package to a NPM registry ( by default, customize with npm config).


# .goreleaser.yaml
  - # ID of the resulting image.
    # Default: the project name.
    id: foo

    # IDs of the archives to use.
    # Empty means all IDs.
      - foo
      - bar

    # Package name.
    # Required
    name: "@me/mypackage"

    # Your app's description.
    # Templates: allowed.
    # Default: inferred from global metadata.
    description: My awesome npm package

    # Your app's homepage.
    # Default: inferred from global metadata.

    # Keywords for the package.
      - cli
      - golang
      - example

    # License name.
    # Templates: allowed.
    # Required
    # Default: inferred from global metadata.
    license: MIT

    # Author of the package.
    # Templates: allowed.
    # Default: inferred from global metadata.
    author: Your Name <[email protected]>

    # Repository URL.
    # Templates: allowed.

    # URL to report bugs.
    # Templates: allowed.

    # Additional files/globs you want to add to the package.
    # Default: ["README*", "LICENSE*"]
    # Templates: allowed.
      - glob: ./path/to/file.txt
        name_template: "file.txt"

    # Additional templated files to add to the app bundle.
    # Those files will have their contents pass through the template engine,
    # and its results will be added to the archive.
    # and/or to add more files.
    # Templates: allowed.
      # src can also be a glob, as long as dst is a directory.
      - src: ""

    # Access level: public or restricted.
    access: public

    # Package format: tar, tgz, tar.gz, zip, or binary.
    # Required: if more than one archive format is being used.
    format: tgz

    # Allows to further filter the artifacts.
    # Artifacts that do not match this expression will be ignored.
    # Templates: allowed.
    if: '{{ eq .Os "linux" }}'

    # Disables the configuration.
    # Any value different of 'true' will be considered 'false'.
    # Templates: allowed.
    disable: "{{ gt .Patch 0 }}"


This will not work if the user installs with --ignore-scripts.

Template Language

Discover more about the name template engine.

Supported platforms and formats

Initially, we are supporting the following platforms:

  • linux: amd64 and arm64
  • darwin: amd64 and arm64
  • windows: amd64 and arm64

And these archive formats:

  • tgz, tar.gz
  • tar
  • zip
  • binary

More formats and platforms might be added in the future.

Why NPM?

Basically, to increase the distribution of your app.

Many people have npm and npx installed, and are used to npm i -g <package>.

Its technically a hack, but works in most cases.

Its worth noting its still in an alpha state. Feel free to provide feedback if you find issues or know ways in which it could be improved.