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Snapcraft Packages (snaps)

GoReleaser can also generate snap packages. Snaps are a new packaging format, that will let you publish your project directly to the Ubuntu store. From there it will be installable in all the supported Linux distros, with automatic and transactional updates.


Snapcraft packages can't be build inside a Docker container.

You can read more about it in the snapcraft docs.

Available options:

# .goreleaser.yaml
  - #
    # ID of the snapcraft config, must be unique.
    # Default: 'default'.
    id: foo

    # Build IDs for the builds you want to create snapcraft packages for.
      - foo
      - bar

    # You can change the name of the package.
    # Default: '{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}{{ with .Arm }}v{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ with .Mips }}_{{ . }}{{ end }}{{ if not (eq .Amd64 "v1") }}{{ .Amd64 }}{{ end }}'.
    # Templates: allowed.
    name_template: "{{ .ProjectName }}_{{ .Version }}_{{ .Os }}_{{ .Arch }}"

    # The name of the snap. This is optional.
    # Default: the project name.
    name: drumroll

    # The canonical title of the application, displayed in the software
    # centre graphical frontends.
    title: Drum Roll

    # Path to icon image that represents the snap in the store
    # pages and other graphical store fronts.
    icon: ./icon.png

    # Whether to publish the snap to the snapcraft store.
    # Remember you need to `snapcraft login` first.
    publish: true

    # Single-line elevator pitch for your amazing snap.
    # 79 char long at most.
    summary: Software to create fast and easy drum rolls.

    # This the description of your snap. You have a paragraph or two to tell the
    # most important story about your snap. Keep it under 100 words though,
    # we live in tweetspace and your description wants to look good in the snap
    # store.
    description: This is the best drum roll application out there. Install it and awe!

    # Disable this configuration.
    # Templates: allowed.
    disable: true

    # Channels in store where snap will be pushed.
    # More info about channels here:
    # Default:
    #   grade is 'stable': ["edge", "beta", "candidate", "stable"]
    #   grade is 'devel': ["edge", "beta"]
    # Templates: allowed.
      - edge
      - beta
      - candidate
      - stable
      - "{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}/edge"
      - "{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}/beta"
      - "{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}/candidate"
      - "{{ .Major }}.{{ .Minor }}/stable"

    # A guardrail to prevent you from releasing a snap to all your users before
    # it is ready.
    # `devel` will let you release only to the `edge` and `beta` channels in the
    # store. `stable` will let you release also to the `candidate` and `stable`
    # channels.
    # Default: 'stable'
    grade: stable

    # Snaps can be setup to follow three different confinement policies:
    # `strict`, `devmode` and `classic`. A strict confinement where the snap
    # can only read and write in its own namespace is recommended. Extra
    # permissions for strict snaps can be declared as `plugs` for the app, which
    # are explained later. More info about confinement here:
    # Default: 'strict'
    confinement: strict

    # Your app's license, based on SPDX license expressions:
    license: MIT

    # A snap of type base to be used as the execution environment for this snap.
    # Valid values are:
    # * bare - Empty base snap;
    # * core - Ubuntu Core 16;
    # * core18 - Ubuntu Core 18.
    base: core18

    # A list of features that must be supported by the core in order for
    # this snap to install.
      - snapd2.38

    # his top-level keyword to define a hook with a plug to access more
    # privileges.
        - network

    # Add extra files on the resulting snap. Useful for including wrapper
    # scripts or other useful static files. Source filenames are relative to the
    # project directory. Destination filenames are relative to the snap prime
    # directory.
      - source: drumroll.wrapper
        destination: bin/drumroll.wrapper
        mode: 0755

    # Additional templated extra files to add to the package.
    # Those files will have their contents pass through the template engine,
    # and its results will be added to the package.
    # This feature is only available in GoReleaser Pro.
    # Templates: allowed.
      - source: LICENSE.tpl
        destination: LICENSE.txt
        mode: 0644

    # With layouts, you can make elements in $SNAP, $SNAP_DATA, $SNAP_COMMON
    # accessible from locations such as /usr, /var and /etc. This helps when
    # using pre-compiled binaries and libraries that expect to find files and
    # directories outside of locations referenced by $SNAP or $SNAP_DATA.
    # About snap environment variables:
    # * HOME: set to SNAP_USER_DATA for all commands
    # * SNAP: read-only install directory
    # * SNAP_ARCH: the architecture of device (eg, amd64, arm64, armhf, i386, etc)
    # * SNAP_DATA: writable area for a particular revision of the snap
    # * SNAP_COMMON: writable area common across all revisions of the snap
    # * SNAP_LIBRARY_PATH: additional directories which should be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    # * SNAP_NAME: snap name
    # * SNAP_INSTANCE_NAME: snap instance name incl. instance key if one is set (snapd 2.36+)
    # * SNAP_INSTANCE_KEY: instance key if any (snapd 2.36+)
    # * SNAP_REVISION: store revision of the snap
    # * SNAP_USER_DATA: per-user writable area for a particular revision of the snap
    # * SNAP_USER_COMMON: per-user writable area common across all revisions of the snap
    # * SNAP_VERSION: snap version (from snap.yaml)
    # More info about layout here:
      # The path you want to access in sandbox.
        # Which outside file or directory you want to map to sandbox.
        # Valid keys are:
        # * bind - Bind-mount a directory.
        # * bind_file - Bind-mount a file.
        # * symlink - Create a symbolic link.
        # * type - Mount a private temporary in-memory filesystem.
        bind: $SNAP_DATA/etc

    # Each binary built by GoReleaser is an app inside the snap. In this section
    # you can declare extra details for those binaries. It is optional.
    # See:
      # The name of the app must be the same name as the binary built or the snapcraft name.
        # If you any to pass args to your binary, you can add them with the
        # args option.
        args: --foo

        # The kind of wrapper to generate for the given command.
        adapter: none

        # List of applications that are ordered to be started after the current
        # one.
        after: ["postdrum"]

        # Aliases for the app command.
        aliases: ["droll"]

        # Defines the name of the .desktop file used to start an application
        # with the desktop session.
        autostart: drumroll.desktop

        # List of applications that are ordered to be started before the current
        # one.
        before: ["predrum"]

        # D-Bus name this service is reachable as. Mandatory if daemon=dbus.
        bus_name: drumbus

        # A list of commands to be executed in order before the command of this
        # app.
        command_chain: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

        # An identifier to a desktop-id within an external appstream file.
        common_id: "com.example.drumroll"

        # Bash completion snippet. More information about completion here:
        completer: drumroll-completion.bash

        # You can override the command name.
        # Default: AppName.
        command: bin/drumroll.wrapper

        # If you want your app to be autostarted and to always run in the
        # background, you can make it a simple daemon.
        daemon: simple

        # Location of the .desktop file.
        desktop: usr/share/applications/drumroll.desktop

        # A set of key-value pairs specifying environment variables.
          foo: bar
          baz: quo

        # A list of Snapcraft extensions this app depends on.
        extensions: ["gnome-3-38"]

        # Defines whether a freshly installed daemon is started automatically,
        # or whether startup control is deferred to the snap.
        # Requires `daemon` to be set.
        install_mode: "disable"

        # A set of key-value attributes passed through to snap.yaml without
        # snapcraft validation.
          foo: bar

        # If your app requires extra permissions to work outside of its default
        # confined space, declare them here.
        # You can read the documentation about the available plugs and the
        # things they allow:
        plugs: ["home", "network", "personal-files"]

        # Sets a command to run from inside the snap after a service stops.
        post_stop_command: foo

        # Controls whether the daemon should be restarted during a snap refresh.
        refresh_mode: endure

        # Command to use to ask the service to reload its configuration.
        # Requires `daemon` to be set.
        reload_command: foo

        # Restart condition of the snap.
        restart_condition: "always"

        # List of slots for interfaces to connect to.
        slots: ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

        # Maps a daemon’s sockets to services and activates them.
        # Requires `plugs` to contain `network-bind`.
            listen-stream: $SNAP_COMMON/socket
            socket-group: socket-group
            socket-mode: 416

        # Time to wait for daemon to start.
        start_timeout: 42ms

        # Command to use to stop the service.
        # Requires `daemon` to be set.
        stop_command: foo

        # Controls how the daemon should be stopped.
        # Requires `daemon` to be set.
        stop_mode: sigterm

        # Time to wait for daemon to stop.
        stop_timeout: 42ms

        # Schedules when, or how often, to run a service or command.
        # Requires `daemon` to be set.
        timer: "00:00-24:00/24"

        # Declares the service watchdog timeout.
        # Requires `plugs` to contain `daemon-notify`.
        watchdog_timeout: 42ms

    # Allows plugs to be configured. Plugs like system-files and personal-files
    # require this.
          - $HOME/.foo
          - $HOME/.foo
          - $HOME/.foobar


Discover more about the name template engine.


GoReleaser will not install snapcraft nor any of its dependencies for you.