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Quick Start

In this example we will build, archive and release a sample project.

Create a GitHub repository, clone and cd into it, and let's get started!

Initialize your module with:

go mod init

Then create a main.go file:

package main

func main() {
  println("Ba dum, tss!")

Initialize your project with:

cargo init --bin

Initialize your project with:

zig init

Initialize your project with:

bun init

Initialize your project with:

deno init

Run the init command to create an example .goreleaser.yaml file:

goreleaser init

Now, lets run a "local-only" release to see if it works using the release command:

goreleaser release --snapshot --clean

At this point, you can customize the generated .goreleaser.yaml or leave it as-is, it's up to you. It is best practice to check .goreleaser.yaml into the source control.

You can verify your .goreleaser.yaml is valid by running the check command:

goreleaser check

You can also use GoReleaser to build the binary only for a given target, which is useful for local development:

GOOS="linux" \
GOARCH="arm64" \
  goreleaser build --single-target

It will default to your current GOOS/GOARCH.

TARGET="aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" \
  goreleaser build --single-target
TARGET="aarch64-linux" \
  goreleaser build --single-target
TARGET="bun-linux-arm64" \
  goreleaser build --single-target
TARGET="aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" \
  goreleaser build --single-target

To release to GitHub, you'll need to export a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable, which should contain a valid GitHub token with the repo scope. It will be used to deploy releases to your GitHub repository. You can create a new GitHub token here.


The minimum permissions the GITHUB_TOKEN should have to run this are write:packages


GoReleaser will use the latest Git tag of your repository.

Now, create a tag and push it to GitHub:

git tag -a v0.1.0 -m "First release"
git push origin v0.1.0


Check if your tag adheres to semantic versioning.


If you don't want to create a tag yet, you can also run GoReleaser without publishing based on the latest commit by using the --snapshot flag:

goreleaser release --snapshot

Now you can run GoReleaser at the root of your repository:

goreleaser release

That's all it takes!

GoReleaser will build the binaries for your app for the default targets for the build mechanism being used. You can customize that by changing the builds section. Check the documentation for more information.

After building the binaries, GoReleaser will create an archive for each target into a separate file. You can customize several things by changing the archives section, including releasing only the binaries and not creating archives at all. Check the documentation for more information.

Finally, it will create a release on GitHub with all the artifacts.

Check your GitHub project's releases page!

Example release on GitHub.

Live examples

We have a ton of example repositories! You can use them to learn more and see how GoReleaser works.

Browse example repositories

Dry run

If you want to test everything before doing a release "for real", you can use the following techniques.

Verify dependencies

You can check if you have every tool needed for the current configuration:

goreleaser healthcheck

Build-only Mode

Build command will build the project:

goreleaser build

This can be useful as part of CI pipelines to verify the project builds without errors for all build targets.

Release Flags

Use the --skip=publish flag to skip publishing:

goreleaser release --skip=publish

More options

You can check the command line usage help here or with:

goreleaser --help